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Phd thesis cloning Content Abstract Acknowledgements Publications List of Figures List of Tables List of Abbreviations Quote 1 Introduction 1. pantotropha anaerobic minimal medium 2. aeruginosa anaerobic medium 2. stutzeri anaerobic medium 2. coli anaerobic minimal medium 2. pantotropha 3. pantotropha in Escherichia coli 4. pantotropha 4. coli JM83 under different growth conditions 4. pantotropha in the denitrifying host Ps. aeruginosa 5. aeruginosa PAO1 with the plasmid pMMBSE 5.
aeruginosa PAO1 under different growth conditions 5. pantotropha 7. pantotropha References Published with bookdown. References 1. Robertson LA, Kuenen JG. Nitrogen removal from water and waste. In: Fry S, editor. Microbial control of pollution.
University of Cardiff: Society for General Microbiology; Gayon U, Dupetit G. Recherches sur la reduction des nitrates par les infiniment petits. Mem Soc Sci Phys Nat Bordeaux. Rasmussen RA, Khalil MA. Atmospheric trace gases: Trends and distributions over the last decade. Science New York, NY. doi: Hauck RD. Ecological Bulletins. Hutchins SR. Biodegradation of monoaromatic hydrocarbons by aquifer microorganisms using oxygen, nitrate, or nitrous oxide as the terminal electron acceptor.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology. Olson RA. Fertilizers for food production vs energy needs and environmental quality. Ecotoxicology and Phd thesis cloning Safety. Levallois P, Phaneuf D. Calmels S, phd thesis cloning, Ohshima H, Henry Y, Bartsch H. Characterization of bacterial cytochrome cd 1 -nitrite reductase as one enzyme responsible for catalysis of nitrosation of secondary amines.
Bredt DS, Snyder SH. Nitric oxide: A physiologic messenger molecule. Annual Review of Biochemistry. Shoun H, Tanimoto T. Denitrification by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum and involvement of cytochrome P in the respiratory nitrite reduction. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. Usuda K, Toritsuka N, Matsuo Y, Kim DH, Shoun H.
Denitrification by the fungus Cylindrocarpon tonkinense: Anaerobic cell growth and two isozyme forms of cytochrome P nor. Kobayashi M, Matsuo Y, Takimoto A, Suzuki S, Maruo F, Shoun H, phd thesis cloning. Denitrification, a novel phd thesis cloning of respiratory metabolism in fungal mitochondrion. Kobayashi M, Shoun H. The copper-containing dissimilatory nitrite reductase involved in the denitrifying system of the fungus Fusarium oxysporum.
Nakahara K, Tanimoto T, Hatano K, Usuda K, Shoun H. Cytochrome P 55A1 P - dNIR acts as nitric oxide reductase employing NADH as the direct electron donor. Enoch HG, Lester RL. The role of a novel cytochrome b-containing nitrate reductase and quinone phd thesis cloning the in vitro reconstruction of formate-nitrate reductase activity of E. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. Berks BC, Richardson DJ, Reilly A, Willis AC, Ferguson SJ.
The phd thesis cloning gene cluster encoding the periplasmic nitrate reductase system of Thiosphaera pantotropha. The Biochemical Journal. Richterich P, Lakey N, Gryan G, Jaehn L, Mintz L, Robison K, et al. Godden JW, Turley S, Teller DC, Adman ET, Liu MY, Payne WJ, et al. The 2. Kukimoto M, Nishiyama M, Murphy ME, Turley S, Adman ET, Horinouchi S, et al. X-ray structure and site-directed mutagenesis of a nitrite reductase from Alcaligenes faecalis S Roles of two copper atoms in nitrite reduction.
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European Journal of Biochemistry. Clegg RA. Purification and some properties of nitrate reductase EC 1, phd thesis cloning. Molecular properties of the respiratory nitrate reductase of Paracoccus denitrificans. Biochemical Society Transactions. Demoss JA, Fan TY, Scott RH. Characterization of subunit structural alterations which occur during purification of nitrate reductase from Escherichia coli. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. Oppenheim DS, Yanofsky C. Translational coupling during expression of the tryptophan operon of Escherichia coli.
Berks BC, Page MD, Richardson DJ, Reilly A, Cavill A, Outen F, et al. Sequence analysis of subunits of the membrane-bound nitrate reductase from a denitrifying bacterium: The integral membrane subunit provides a prototype for the dihaem electron-carrying arm of a redox loop. Molecular Microbiology. Johnson MK, Bennett DE, Morningstar JE, phd thesis cloning, Adams MW, Mortenson LE. The iron-sulfur cluster composition of Escherichia coli nitrate reductase, phd thesis cloning. Wootton JC, Nicolson RE, Mark Cock J, Walters DE, Burke JF, Doyle WA, et al.
Enzymes depending on the pterin molybdenum cofactor: Sequence families, spectroscopic properties of molybdenum and possible cofactor-binding domains. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA - Bioenergetics.
Berks BC, Ferguson SJ, Moir JW, Richardson DJ. Enzymes and associated electron transport systems that catalyse the respiratory reduction of nitrogen oxides and oxyanions. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. Craig JA, Holm RH. Reduction of nitrate to nitrite by molybdenum-mediated atom transfer: A nitrate reductase analog reaction system.
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