May 08, · ESSAY ON: Floods in Pakistan. Floods have become a regular feature in a Pakistan after partition. Every year we have to face the grim tragedy of floods, and its effects. When heavy rains fall, or when the snow on the tops of hills begins to melt in summer, our rivers are flooded Free Essays on Floods In Pakistan. Get help with your writing. 1 through 30 Short essay on Floods in Pakistan. The problem of floods in Pakistan is not new as it dates back to the year of independence when the first major flood hit Pakistan. Since then eight more floods of even greater magnitude in , , , , , , , and have caused heaps of destruction in the country taking the lives of millions of people and leaving billions of them blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins
Free Essays on Floods In Pakistan through
Floods have become a regular feature in a Pakistan after partition. Every year we have to face the grim tragedy of floods, and its effects. When heavy rains fall, or when the snow on the tops of hills begins to melt in summer, our rivers are flooded. The waters rise beyond the banks of the rivers, and overspread the neighbouring ground.
This essay on floods in pakistan almost every year during the monsoons. The rains continue ceaselessly for days, especially in the hills, and huge quantities of water find their way into the es rivers. The river swell rapidly, sometimes the water rises by the feet in one or two hours. The rivers if not heavily flooded are not great danger. They rather help to make vast tracts of land on either side of them fertile.
The waters recede to the banks and the alluvial soil is deposited on the surface of the land. It is in their uncontrollable fury that the essay on floods in pakistan rivers are devastating.
They, as such, cause inestimable damage to life and property. Houses are washed away; crops and trees are uprooted; cattle and human beings are killed by the onslaught of rushing waters. In short, the entire animal world, coming within the area of flood, is awfully disturbed. Our personal experience of a flood makes us appreciate truly its horrors, essay on floods in pakistan.
One who has seen the floods for himself knows what a calamity they are. It was essay on floods in pakistan October,that the citizen of Lahore witnessed the terrors of an unprecedented flood. The river Ravi which flows by the city of Lahore, was in flood. There had been no rains immediately preceding the flood. Away in the hills, probably, it had rained continuously for weeks. With the rapid rising of the river Ravi, the citizens became anxious in their prayers.
From our house, which is situated in Badami Bagh, we could see the rapidly advancing waters. The high banks of the river had been essay on floods in pakistan over by the water. The whole area around Shahdara Bagh appeared as one sheet of water. Familiar fields, gardens, oil installations near Badami Bagh railway station, were all submerged under water. The little boats, aimlessly tossing about amidst waters were let loose from their moorings.
The water had risen beyond all bounds, and suddenly policemen started alarming the people. Panic-stricken people started up in a mad hurry. Household effects were put on the house-tops. The cattle were driven to places of safety. Children were vigilantly looked after and secured on the roofs. Rescue parties, rovers and volunteers were alerted to action by the civil authorities.
Afternoon was soon followed by a dark night. The unpleasant croaking of frogs, the lowing of the helpless cattle, and the shouts of the marooned men could be heard from all quarters.
Our courtyard was covered with about 6 to 7 feet of running water which was still rising. In less than half an hour, this dry piece of land was turned into a full-fledged channel. Improvised boats could be seen going up and down rescuing the people and their belongings. One such barge reached our house too and offered help. We thanked God, and readily accepted this conveyance.
The current being in our favour, we proceeded essay on floods in pakistan our destination without much difficulty. But exactly when we had sailed half way, a huge piece of wooden machinery was observed floating towards us. It appeared as if very death was closing in upon us so suddenly.
The women-folk who were already weeping and the terrified children began to scream. God knows how this untoward incident averted because all of us had then shut our eyes in horror, essay on floods in pakistan. Our barge, at length, reached a place of safety and we raised our voices in prayer to Almighty. God had saved us from the very jaws of death. We remained away from our house for about two days. The less said about our life for these two days, essay on floods in pakistan, the better.
A beggar surely leads a more comfortable life. We were anxiously looking forward to reach our homes, when it was announced by the beat of drum that the flood had subsided and that we could return. But when we came back we witnessed the intensity of havoc brought about by the floods.
Many of the houses were either razed to the ground or had been damaged beyond repair. Those that stood were rendered almost uninhabitable. Some of the articles had been carried away by the water and the remaining lay there spoilt and broken. Our own house was filled with rubbish and one of its sides was badly damaged. Normal life was restored after a long time. That devastating flood haunts our minds even to day.
We simply shudder to think of the condition of those poor people who had lost their all in the floods. Every year the tragedy of floods is reported. Our Government has done and is doing all that lies in its power to avert this tragedy for good. So far the efforts of the Government have not been fully crowned with success. After all, it is a question of gaining human control over untamed forces of Nature. Human ingenuity arrayed against all-powerful Nature can achieve but little.
Let us hope that some day by successive experiments, untiring efforts and unabating zeal we would succeed in taming our rivers. Copyright c Tests Preparation Zone All Rights Reserved. Tests Preparation Zone. Ad Code. Social Widget. Home 10th Essay On Floods In Pakistan Essay On Floods In Pakistan Tests Preparation Zone May 08, ESSAY ON: Floods in Pakistan Floods have become a regular feature in a Pakistan after partition.
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Causes \u0026 Effects of Floods - Climate of Pakistan - Geography 2059/2
, time: 19:29Essay On Floods In Pakistan
Short essay on Floods in Pakistan. The problem of floods in Pakistan is not new as it dates back to the year of independence when the first major flood hit Pakistan. Since then eight more floods of even greater magnitude in , , , , , , , and have caused heaps of destruction in the country taking the lives of millions of people and leaving billions of them blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Free Essays on Floods In Pakistan. Get help with your writing. 1 through 30 Mar 10, · Essay on Floods in Pakistan for the students of Matric, FA, FSC, 2nd Year, Intermediate, BA and BSC. Here is an essay on Floods in Pakistan for students of Class 10, Class 12 and graduation. Pakistan is a developing country and floods in it are not unusual. This essay will discuss the reason of floods in blogger.coms: 1
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