2. Good descriptive writing often makes use of figurative language such as analogies, similes and metaphors to help paint the picture in the reader's mind. 3. Good descriptive writing uses precise language. General adjectives, nouns, and passive verbs do not have a place in good descriptive writing To check your vocabulary, click on the Vocabulary Checker button. The Virtual Writing Tutor will analyze your vocabulary using a range of vocabulary checker tools. Use the feedback to increase the sophistication of your word choice, to increase the number of words related to your field of study, or to eliminate clichés Mar 27, · Zoos are both good and bad for animals. On the good side, it is possible to protect them from hunters. There are some zoos with good conditions to protect animals, sometimes they live here better than living alone in the middle of nature. However, there are zoos where animals can only stay in small cages or they are beaten, tamed to serve visitors
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Or, good essay vocabulary, sometimes you need to divide up a long lesson with a quick, energetic break. Use these time slots to invigorate students and enhance their vocabulary comprehension with mini games! These games are intentionally designed to require minimal preparation and basic rules so that you can quickly choose one and immediately get playing.
These games can also be expanded for longer play and review, which may be especially useful in after-school and summer-school sessions. Vary your games for increased interest; students may grow bored of the same game each week.
It is always useful to model an example of game play before the game begins. The games are listed in order of critical thinking required; the earlier games review the basics and the later games require deeper critical thinking. Get a printable list of these vocabulary games. Divide students into two or more teams. Give good essay vocabulary team one minute to list as many words as possible from the current unit on a piece of paper.
The team with the most words wins. Materials Needed: Blank paper Pens How to Expand the Game: The team with the most words must explain the definition of each word.
If they miss a definition, the other team can take over explaining those definitions to win. Look Out For: If you have a word wall, cover it during this game. Possible Modifications for ELLs and Students with Good essay vocabulary Needs: Provide students with the first letter of good essay vocabulary words or pictures of the words before they complete their list.
Conversation Competition The Rules: Assign each student a partner. When the teacher good essay vocabulary go, the students stand up and have a specific amount of time to talk with their partners on any appropriate subject.
The teacher should circulate the classroom during the game to engage students in conversation and keep them on task. The first students to finish win a prize, but only if they share their conversation with the class and used the words correctly, good essay vocabulary.
If not, the next group shares, and so forth. Divide students into two teams. Write two lists of unit words on the board one for each member of each team, good essay vocabulary. Each team forms a line leading to the board. If the student reads the word correctly, he or she erases that word. The first team to erase all the words on their list wins. Divide the class into two teams. Each member of the team is asked a vocabulary question definition, spelling, pronunciation, etc. If he gets that right, he has another chance at the basketball shot, but this time he must take a step or two back.
This continues until the student misses a shot or gets a question wrong. In either case, the next question goes to the other team. After everyone has had a turn, the team with the most points wins. Divide class into two groups good essay vocabulary have them form an inner and outer circle, with students facing each other. For the first 15 seconds, each student in the inner circle asks a prepared vocabulary question about spelling, pronunciation, definition, example, etc.
to good essay vocabulary student she is facing. If the outer-circle student answers correctly, the inner-circle student signs his word list, good essay vocabulary. For the next 15 seconds, the outer-circle student asks the inner-circle student a question, and signs her sheet if she answers correctly. Then students rotate to the right and repeat the process with the new students they face. Whoever has the most signatures at the end of the game time wins.
Divide students into two teams and give each student good essay vocabulary number. Number 1 from each team comes to the front of the room. The teacher reads a clue related to a word the clue could be a definition or example of the word and the first person to slap the board or desk gets to answer.
If correct, his team earns a point. If incorrect, the person from the other team has a chance to earn a point, good essay vocabulary. Repeat with the following sets of students. The team with the most points wins. One student from one team comes to the front of the class, chooses a word from the basket, and acts out the word without speaking, good essay vocabulary. Whichever team yells out the correct word first earns a point. The next student to act out a word comes from the other team, and so on.
Whichever team has the most points when time is called wins. One student from one team comes toWhichever team yells out the correct good essay vocabulary first earns a point. The next student to describe a word comes from the other team, and so on, good essay vocabulary. You may wish to limit each team to two or three guesses per turn. One student from one team comes to the front of the class, good essay vocabulary, chooses a word from the basket, and draws a picture representation of the word without writing any letters.
The next student to draw a word comes from the other team, and so on. Hand at least one page of the newspaper or magazine to each student. Each student finds a picture or article that relates to a word from the week and cuts it out. After most students have found words, ask them to explain to the class why their picture or article relates to their word of choice.
Divide students into two teams and create a baseball diamond in your classroom or go outside if possible. The teacher is the pitcher. Each member of team 1 takes a word and stands in the infield and outfield. Team 2 stands in line at home plate. The teacher asks a question from Fix the Mistake or Pick the Winner and then tosses the ball to the batter.
The batter says the correct word and then throws the ball to the correct word. The team earns one point if the batter says the correct word and two points if he or she hits the correct word. After three incorrect words strikesthe teams switch. The game ends when the teacher calls time or when all questions are complete. Vocabulary Mini Games, good essay vocabulary. Simple List The Rules: Divide students into two or more teams.
If students have been sitting for a long time prior to the start of the game, you can encourage the partner groups to walk around the room together while they talk. Look Out For: Good essay vocabulary sure that students are good essay vocabulary using words to discuss inappropriate matters or insult each other. Make sure students are using words correctly, good essay vocabulary. Possible Modifications for ELLs and Students with Special Needs: Partner ELLs with native speakers.
Use a shorter list of words. Give students specific topics to discuss. Erase a Word The Rules: Divide students into two teams. Materials Needed: Chalk or marker Eraser How to Expand the Game: Instead of pronunciation, students could say the definition of good essay vocabulary word, give an example of the good essay vocabulary, correct a misspelled word, etc.
Possible Modifications for ELLs and Students with Special Needs: Review the pronunciation of words before the game begins. Vocab Shot The Rules: Divide the class into two teams. Materials Needed: Foam basketball and hoop or paper wad and recycling bin List of words for teacher How to Expand the Game: Each time the student earns another basketball shot, the difficulty of questions can increase.
For instance, the first question could be spelling, the second question could be a definition, etc. For instance, give spelling and pronunciation questions to students who are struggling with vocabulary, and definition and example questions to students who have already mastered spelling and pronunciation.
Circle Rotation The Rules: Divide class into two groups and have them form an inner and outer circle, with students facing each other. Materials Needed: List of words good essay vocabulary each student Pen for each student How to Expand the Game: Play until everyone has reached his or her original partner. Look Out For: Make sure to demonstrate different types of vocabulary questions. Possible Modifications for ELLs and Students with Special Needs: Give students one minute or more to prepare questions.
They can use the same questions multiple times. Expand question-and-answer time to 30 seconds or a minute. Mini Game Show The Rules: Divide students into two teams and give each student a number, good essay vocabulary.
Materials Needed: Clues for each word How to Expand the Game: With further preparation, good essay vocabulary, you can arrange the clues on the board according to category with varying points and difficulties, just like on TV. Look Out For: Depending on your comfort level, you can prepare the clues in advance or make up clues on the spot. Possible Modifications for ELLs and Students with Special Needs: Post possible words on the chalkboard.
Have students compete from their seats rather than come to the front of the class. Have students compete in teams. Charades The Rules: Divide students into two teams. Materials Needed: Each word on a separate small piece of paper A basket How to Expand the Game: This game can be played for a longer period of time to review for an exam, good essay vocabulary. You can also include bonus words from other units for deeper review. Look Out For: Make sure to have a set time period so that students feel it is fair for one team to win.
Use a smaller group of words. Play the game in small groups, good essay vocabulary, with one student acting out the word for two or three classmates.
Improve your Vocabulary: Stop saying VERY!
, time: 20:06Are zoos a good thing? | LearnEnglish Teens - British Council
Mar 27, · Zoos are both good and bad for animals. On the good side, it is possible to protect them from hunters. There are some zoos with good conditions to protect animals, sometimes they live here better than living alone in the middle of nature. However, there are zoos where animals can only stay in small cages or they are beaten, tamed to serve visitors To check your vocabulary, click on the Vocabulary Checker button. The Virtual Writing Tutor will analyze your vocabulary using a range of vocabulary checker tools. Use the feedback to increase the sophistication of your word choice, to increase the number of words related to your field of study, or to eliminate clichés For the first 15 seconds, each student in the inner circle asks a prepared vocabulary question (about spelling, pronunciation, definition, example, etc.) to the student she is facing. If the outer-circle student answers correctly, the inner-circle student signs his word list. For the next 15 seconds, the outer-circle student asks the inner
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