Master’s Thesis provides opportunities for students to plan, complete, interpret, and report research. Thesis projects must not have been published previously, and must be conducted and written under the supervision of a Graduate Faculty Major Advisor member and a Graduate Advisory Committee. The completion of a Master’s Thesis constitutes six semester hours of credit Thesis Requirements for a Master’s Degree. If a student is admitted to a master's degree program with a thesis option for the degree, a committee to direct the written thesis will be established. The thesis must demonstrate the student’s capability for research and independent thought. Preparation of the thesis must conform to the Graduate College Guide to Preparing and Submitting a Thesis or The master's thesis and all of the associated forms and documents related to the completion of the degree must be submitted to the Graduate School by the deadlines listed above. REGISTRATION If a student registers for Semester I and completes all of the requirements for the degree during that semester, a fee for Semester II will not be charged
M.S. degree thesis requirements | Mechanical Engineering
The Graduate School requires a minimum of 30 credit hours of graduate course credit, master degree thesis requirements, 21 of which must be taken in residence, master degree thesis requirements. Master degree thesis requirements program credit hour requirements may be higher and must be satisfied. Master's students are required to complete a minimum program residence credit of two full semesters either by full-time registration or by part-time registration over several semesters.
Please refer to the general guidelines for Transferring Course Credit and the 30 Percent Rule for Master's students. Course requirements in the major field must be fulfilled as specified by the student's academic program. The student master degree thesis requirements expected to complete a program of study that will provide mastery of the field, with at least 18 course credit hours in the major field. It is recommended that at least half of the courses taken for a graduate degree be numbered and above.
Major courses must also include a minimum of three credit hours of thesis substitute or thesis registration. With the approval of the major and minor academic programs, a student may elect to declare a formal minor in programs that offers a graduate degree. The student should submit an approved Minor Declaration Form to The Graduate School. The minor must comprise at least nine credit hours beyond the major. All credits must be for courses listed or cross-listed in programs other than that of the major and cannot also be counted toward the major, master degree thesis requirements.
A minor may consist of a set of related courses, some of which are listed by one program and some of which are listed by another.
In most cases, the minor would not include courses from more than two programs. Only one program name will be listed as granting the minor, and the director of graduate studies in the minor program must agree to master degree thesis requirements any courses from outside the minor program offerings.
The minor must be approved in advance by the director of graduate studies in both the major and master degree thesis requirements programs. In some fields it may not be appropriate for a minor to be declared, so early consultation is advised.
When a satisfactory minor has been planned and approved by both programs, a copy of the proposed minor course of study should be signed by the director of graduate studies in the major and minor programs and sent to The Graduate School to become a permanent part of the student's record.
Language and research skill requirements differ for each academic program. Students must acquire competence in those foreign languages needed for research or teaching in their disciplines, master degree thesis requirements. At an early stage, a student should consult the academic program advisor concerning what foreign languages, if any, will be required. Graduate students must satisfy the foreign language requirement from a list of acceptable languages other than English as approved by their academic program.
Foreign Language Proficiency Assessments are offered as an alternative to special language courses offered on campus. For more information, see Foreign Language Proficiency Assessment.
Each academic program determines at what point a student must fulfill language or research skill requirements, provided that all such requirements are satisfied before a student graduates, master degree thesis requirements. The student's director of graduate studies will need to certify on the Program Certification of Degree Requirements form that all such requirements have been met. A written or an oral examination or both is required for degree completion.
Only academic programs have the authority to request approved substitutes in meeting these requirements, normally within the guidelines of field or accreditation requirements. Programs should reference the Academic Policy Regarding Approved Substitutes for Master's Degree Comprehensive Exam Requirements.
Neither examination may be taken until all courses are completed or until the final courses are in progress. The examination s must be scheduled in conformance with deadlines shown in the University Registrar's Calendar. Registration Requirement Students must be registered during the semester s in which exams are taken, master degree thesis requirements.
Examining Committee A student passes an examination master degree thesis requirements after the approval of at least two-thirds master degree thesis requirements the examining committee members. The Graduate School considers the examining committee's vote to be final. Typically, the examining committee is the same as the student's thesis committee. Final Oral Defense If a thesis is required, a final oral defense may be required in addition to the examination s or as part of an oral examination.
Any written or oral examination must be successfully completed prior to the final defense. If a final oral defense is required, it should be held only after all members of the committee have had adequate opportunity to review a draft of the master's thesis, master degree thesis requirements. The thesis advisor is responsible for determining that the draft is in an appropriate form for committee evaluation.
If substantial revisions are necessary, they should be completed before the final oral defense is scheduled. All committee members are expected to be present at the defense.
Participation of any committee member or the student via distance-based capabilities is appropriate, provided it is mutually agreeable to the student and other committee members.
The final oral defense may be open to the public or limited in attendance to the candidate and the committee. Questions that relate the thesis to the field are appropriate. A thesis is master degree thesis requirements only after the approval of at least two-thirds of the committee members. At the conclusion of the final oral defense, all committee members should sign Part III, and, if appropriate, Part IV, of the Master's Comprehensive Exam or Approved Substitute Form.
At the time of the final oral defense, but no later than the oral, the committee may require alterations and corrections, but these should constitute relatively minor changes agreed to by a majority of the committee members. The thesis advisor is responsible for verifying that the changes required by the committee have been made. If not done already, master degree thesis requirements, all committee members should sign Part IV of the Master's Comprehensive Exam or Approved Substitute Form.
When all changes have been verified, the committee chair should initial Part IV. The student should submit the thesis in final form designed to meet the standards as defined in The Graduate School's Thesis and Dissertation Guide. The program should submit the Master's Comprehensive Exam or Approved Substitute Form to The Graduate School for final processing. Failure of Examinations A graduate student who fails either a written or oral examination may not take the examination a second time until at least three months after the first attempt.
The student should work with the academic program to identify areas needing additional emphasis and to establish an action plan to prepare for taking the exam a second time. A student who fails an examination for the second time becomes academically ineligible to continue in The Graduate School. See Academic Eligibility. Rescheduled or Remote Examinations The Graduate School permits examinations to be rescheduled or held via distance-based capabilities.
This applies both to course examinations and to written and oral examinations. Before scheduling remote examinations, the student and program should consider the logistics, technology, and back-up plans for the event, including how final approval signatures will be obtained, master degree thesis requirements. The Honor Code remains in effect for any examination taken outside the regularly scheduled time or off campus.
The student and faculty should work together to find a mutually agreeable time for the examination and ensure all participants are in agreement with the chosen format. For the master's degree, a thesis or an approved substitute is required. A minimum of three credit hours of thesis substitute or thesis registration is required.
A maximum of six such credit hours may be counted as part of the required 30 credit hour minimum for the degree. Only academic programs have the authority to request approved substitutes in meeting these requirements, normally within the guidelines of its field or accreditation master degree thesis requirements. Programs should reference the Academic Policy Regarding Approved Substitutes for Master's Degree Thesis Requirements.
Once a student completes the approved substitute, the academic program must submit the Report of Approved Substitute for a Master's Thesis Form to The Graduate School, master degree thesis requirements. Registration Requirement Students must be registered for a minimum of three credit hours of thesis or thesis substitute during the semester in which they propose and defend the thesis or complete the thesis substitute.
Once students successfully defend their thesis or complete their thesis substitute, no further enrollments are necessary or permissible, and graduation should not be delayed. See Required Registration and Graduation Enrollment.
Committee Composition A committee of at least three members approves any thesis required and administers any oral examination that may master degree thesis requirements given. A majority of the persons signing a master's thesis must be regular members of the UNC-Chapel Hill Graduate Faculty from the student's major academic program, master degree thesis requirements. Other members may be special appointees to the Graduate Faculty. The committee is approved by the academic program's director of graduate studies, after consultation with the student.
A student should have a faculty research advisor and a committee chair. One individual faculty member may serve in both roles if approved by the academic program, master degree thesis requirements.
Both roles should be filled by regular members of the Graduate Faculty in the student's major academic program; however, at the request of the program and approval of The Graduate School, they may be fixed-term graduate faculty members or from another UNC-Chapel Hill program. The advisor typically oversees the research progress and serves as the primary mentor. A student may elect to have co-advisors as long as one is from the student's major academic program, master degree thesis requirements.
The committee chair typically oversees committee meetings and the associated documentation. If the student has a minor field of study, at least one member of the committee must represent the minor field. In the case of a joint minor involving two academic programs, one faculty representative on the committee for both minors is sufficient, provided that both minor programs agree that the faculty member can adequately represent each minor course of study.
The Graduate School will accept only theses and dissertations produced according to the standards in The Graduate School's Thesis and Dissertation Guide. Documents must be prepared in a form consistent with approved methods of scholarly writing and research.
On matters of master degree thesis requirements, the student should also consult published manuals of style. Sample draft pages of the document may be pre-approved by Graduate School staff before the submission deadline, but final approvals will occur only after the student has submitted the final document.
The document is expected to be written in English. In special cases, master degree thesis requirements, languages other than English may be used; the substitution is not permitted for the student's convenience but may be allowed when the student has sufficient skill at composition and has a topic that is, in the advisor's judgment, especially suited to treatment in the second language, master degree thesis requirements.
Approval to use a language other than English must be obtained in advance from The Graduate School, and a title page must be submitted in English. Submission of Theses Theses must be submitted to The Graduate School according to the schedule in the University Registrar's Calendar in final form designed master degree thesis requirements meet the standards defined in The Graduate School's Thesis and Dissertation Guide.
Documents submitted electronically will not require front page signatures. It is strongly suggested that every document be submitted well before the deadline to ensure ample time for format revisions. Publication The Graduate School's Thesis and Dissertation Guide should be reviewed for all publication and submission matters, including formatting requirements, copyright questions, a checklist of submission steps, and sample pages. Students may also find this thesis and dissertation webpage useful.
A student admitted to The Graduate School to pursue a master's degree in an academic program where doctoral studies are available is not automatically advanced to doctoral-level studies upon completion of the requirements for a master's degree. Upon completion of all requirements for a master's degree, the academic program must evaluate each student and submit the Recommendation to Proceed Beyond Master's Degree Form to The Graduate School for each student who is considered qualified and recommended for doctoral study.
A master's student has five calendar years from the date of first registration in the master's program to complete the master's degree e. Reapplication is required to continue pursuit of the degree if the five-year limit expires.
Extension of the Time Limit When extenuating circumstances warrant, a student in good academic standing may request one extension of the degree time limit for a definite, stated period of master degree thesis requirements up to one year.
How To Write A Dissertation at Undergraduate or Master's Level
, time: 26:41Masters Degree Requirements - Graduate School Handbook

Master’s Thesis provides opportunities for students to plan, complete, interpret, and report research. Thesis projects must not have been published previously, and must be conducted and written under the supervision of a Graduate Faculty Major Advisor member and a Graduate Advisory Committee. The completion of a Master’s Thesis constitutes six semester hours of credit Thesis Master Degrees- Final Degree Requirements Procedures 1. Applying to Graduate: a) Register for zero credit hours of Special Study for Exam () in the Semester in which you intend to complete your final comprehensive oral examination- This is only required for programs that require Thesis Requirements for a Master’s Degree. If a student is admitted to a master's degree program with a thesis option for the degree, a committee to direct the written thesis will be established. The thesis must demonstrate the student’s capability for research and independent thought. Preparation of the thesis must conform to the Graduate College Guide to Preparing and Submitting a Thesis or
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