My Personal Philosophy of Education Essay examples. Words4 Pages. My Personal Philosophy of Education. Ever since I was a little girl, I knew that in my future I wanted to become a teacher. I always looked up to my teachers, especially the ones I had in elementary school. I even played 'school' with my friends and pretended I had my own classroom Mar 10, · Therefore, education philosophy is an applied field of specification dealing with conventional development of educative standards, for example, from ethics. For years, the development of education has undergone several transitions from fields of concern and especially through theoretical pedagogic philosophies Philosophy of Education Essay Example. It aims at creating the necessary understanding for what is good and bad (education purpose. org ). Education is also evolved according to the needs of society. Behind every school and every teacher is a set of related beliefs,a philosophy of education influence what and how students are blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins
My Personal Philosophy of Education Essay examples | Bartleby
A recognize the need to balance an individual's need to favor one's self and accepting the responsibility of being a productive member of the society, philosophy of education essay samples. I have seen this equilibrium in both the humanistic and progressive philosophies. On the other hand, I…. Bibliography Campbell, a. Higgins, C. Education fulfills personal psychological needs: the innate desires for understanding and the acquisition of knowledge that facilitates understanding.
Individual differences, however, suggest that students may not all agree as to what facts or figures are important to learn. We all remember wondering in school, "How is this going to help me find a job? Placing curricular subjects in real-world context will allow educators to select materials that inspire students rather than turn them off to learning entirely. Cavell's philosophy of education inspired me to appreciate individual differences in the quest for truth, as Cavell was "concerned with the finding or recovery of the human voice, and of finding one's own voice," Peters Education also serves a distinct sociological function.
References History of Educational Theory, philosophy of education essay samples. Burbules, N. html Garrison, J. John Dewey. Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Education. htm Peters, M. Stanley Cavell and philosophy of education. htm Shook, J. Truth and the pragmatic theory of learning. It is important for students to understand that the world does not exist in isolation, but the skills we learn overlap in our journey into learning.
Epistemology: Epistemology asks us to ponder the question: what is knowledge how does knowledge of one event or process impact other events, how do we know what we know?
Within my educational philosophy, the concept of knowledge is, as it is in Bloom's hierarchy, at the bottom of the pyramid -- knowledge is there as factual information. It is philosophy of education essay samples, the function of my concept that knowledge is just the base; it is how we slice and dice that information, how we ponder, bring in past experiences, philosophy of education essay samples, tie together other thoughts and ideas, and ultimately actualize a unique and individual set of ideas.
Axiology: Axiology is the study of value, or a common term for combining ethics and aesthetics. My theory of education requires…. Logic: Logic examines arguments and how knowledge is verified.
Within my philosophy, the concept of basic knowledge is not enough. Truth must be verifiable, not simply accepted. It is the skill of vetting sources, philosophy of education essay samples, of analyzing what bias or point-of-view the author may have, philosophy of education essay samples, or in the case of mathematics asking how that theory om came to be that moves us towards a logical conclusion Gutek, Discuss those philosophies you chose not to include and explain what elements metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, and logic you did not agree with and why.
In reading a number of philosophers and their approach to education, I was struck with the amount of similarity many had -- saying the same thing but adapting it for their own particular culture. Some of the Ancients, for instance Philosophy of education essay samples and Aristotle, were viable as a basis for asking about the quality of knowledge, but certainly not about Pedagogy. Milton was a reformer, but seemed to focus education on a skillset, a tangible "means to an end" philosophy, certainly practical for the time period.
Then, of course, there's the famous Locke-Hobbes debate about the nature of humans; needing control Hobbes or needing total freedom Locke -- when in actuality we have found that it depends on the situational and the individual.
I also use John Dewey, philosophy of education essay samples, who seemed to be a reformer against authoritarianism as well, but also campaigned for moving beyond mere knowledge, just. Philosophy of Education Norma Cunningham I am a nontraditional student and I am returning back to college due to a job loss.
I have been given a second chance at obtaining an education. Since I have been attending college, I was accepted into the nursing program, but I turned it down. I did this because I remember my dream has always been to be a math teacher.
Everyone knows teachers are not in the profession for the money, and that nurses make more money, philosophy of education essay samples, so people may ask, why a teacher?
ell, I remember when I was growing up, every time someone would ask me what I wanted to be, I always answered, a math teacher. Certain teachers that I have had in the past, and present, have helped me decide that I want to spend the philosophy of education essay samples of my life teaching math.
Helping any age student to learn math…. Works Cited Bloom, B. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, the classification of educational goals, philosophy of education essay samples. New York: McKay. Brown, J. Knowledge and organization: a social-practice perspective. Organization Science, 12 2 Elmore, R. Bridging the gap between standards and achievement: The imperative for professional development.
Washington D. Morrison, T. New York: Penguin Group Inc. Thus, it is incumbent on the modern teacher to understand that one size does not fit all. Is this more work? Most assuredly; one must be constantly aware of the undercurrents that exist within the classroom and work towards those issues; one must be continually creative to ensure that students are exposed to literature and ideas that are less Eurocentric; and finally one must continually adapt one's own view.
We can never erase our own bias and our own views on culture and diversity, but what we can do is encourage our students and philosophy of education essay samples to continue to grow. Like continuing education, using methods to include diversity in the classroom are constants -- we will never arrive, nor should we.
Finally, to prepare for the assignment I researched Benjamin Bloom and the numerous other philosophers and teachers who have contributed to the ideas on teaching over the last few centuries….
Special Connections. And N. Checking for Understanding. ACSD Books. Gardner, H. Multiple Intelligences -- New Horizons, philosophy of education essay samples. Basic Books. All these little faults of speech, which you philosophy of education essay samples so afraid the children will acquire, are nothing.
They may be prevented or corrected with the greatest ease, but the faults that are taught them when you make them speak in a low, indistinct, and timid voice, when you are always criticizing their tone and finding fault with their words, are never cured.
In that respect, ousseau suggests that the commonly observed phenomenon that children who begin to speak later than others are never able to recover completely and will always communicate somewhat less effectively than children who begin speaking at the normal stage of development.
ousseau believed that some children simply begin speaking later than others and that if they were just left alone and allowed to absorb…. References Gerrig, R. And Zimbardo, P. Psychology and Life. Rousseau's Emile, ou l'education. Pretty soon, he was learning to read and was successful. I want to be this kind of teacher, one who believes in students and doesn't give up on them. A good teacher tries new things. it's the way to keep from getting "burnt out.
Some of them even save their bulletin boards so they can put them up again the next year. I intend to try something new every semester. It's exciting to try something new.
Sometimes I lie awake at night, excited, and thinking about how things might go during a new activity or a new project. Trying new things to do will also help me to develop a "fund" of useful activities that excite the children and keep them actively learning and getting rid of the stuff that doesn't work. I think I learn the…. Progressivism has been used instead, and many think that this has been a serious problem for education.
agley is one of those who holds that opinion Essentialism, n. He believes that not using essentialism in schools has contributed to children who grow up weak academically, and who also struggle with morals, ethics, and values, as well as the philosophy of education essay samples that one has to work hard for things that are worthwhile. This is largely the issue that Rickover and Sizer have with schooling in America today, as well Essentialism, n.
It is not that children are not being taught -- it is that they are not being taught in a way that is determined to be meaningful to what they will actually have to accomplish in life.
They are not taught the essentials of functioning as a human being in today's society. Until they learn that they will continue to have…. Bibliography Barrett, H.
On the functional origins of essentialism. Mind and Society, 3 21 -- Essentialism and Education n. Chapter pdf Kemerling, Garth.
Philosophy of Education Essay
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My Personal Philosophy of Education Essay examples. Words4 Pages. My Personal Philosophy of Education. Ever since I was a little girl, I knew that in my future I wanted to become a teacher. I always looked up to my teachers, especially the ones I had in elementary school. I even played 'school' with my friends and pretended I had my own classroom Mar 10, · Therefore, education philosophy is an applied field of specification dealing with conventional development of educative standards, for example, from ethics. For years, the development of education has undergone several transitions from fields of concern and especially through theoretical pedagogic philosophies Philosophy of Education Essay Example. It aims at creating the necessary understanding for what is good and bad (education purpose. org ). Education is also evolved according to the needs of society. Behind every school and every teacher is a set of related beliefs,a philosophy of education influence what and how students are blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins
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